World history courses will have deep dives as well as broad surveys, all of which together help students piece together an understanding of the global past. H/21 offers complete modules for introductory world history classrooms that include student readings and primary sources, as well as lesson plans, power-points, instructor guides, and discussion, activity, and assessments suggestions for registered users. These materials highlight the interconnectedness of human history, while also helping students learn to think historically and critically, and make meaning from the past in their present lives.
The modules below have been developed by your colleagues based on their expertise and tested in classrooms. By signing up and following the links, you can find modules ready to use in your classroom, completely open to adaptation to your needs and the needs of your students. You might drop a complete module into your existing history course, adapt part of a module into a lessons you already have, or construct a course around our modules entirely! For models of how instructors have used the modules in their own classes, check out our example syllabi page.
Every world history course is unique – feel free to use as you see fit, and let us know what works!
World Modules
(Click on title to view a module.)